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主题列表 Questions and doubts [English]
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主题 作者 回复 / 观点 最后发表
 PRO论坛管理条例 ProFurgol.com 0 18-06-2007 00:00:01
 Godparents and godsons [new users here!] « 1... 9 » 邀请 127 / 302 18-07-2017 08:26:49
 Questions Of Beginners « 1... 67 » 邀请 1000 / 3571 31-01-2017 13:03:23
 Attack (attack) 15.00 tunipolosic 2 / 49 26-09-2023 12:24:26
 Youth training question artod 6 / 80 11-02-2023 09:42:49
 How? why? 邀请 10 / 162 20-11-2022 10:57:06
 Individual marks - different color balls 邀请 2 / 37 07-01-2021 14:13:09
 Coach conract renew 邀请 9 / 134 31-10-2020 13:38:30
 Coach 邀请 5 / 45 13-11-2019 08:47:06
 What influences (and how) match attendance? 邀请 0 / 33 12-04-2018 08:30:54
 Bug engine 邀请 5 / 68 15-11-2017 19:45:59
 Skills to train 邀请 7 / 90 23-07-2017 12:34:18
 Icup question 邀请 7 / 108 23-12-2014 00:30:06
 No vip Roger 4 / 57 05-12-2014 10:05:51
 Change trainer Stroel 5 / 75 30-10-2014 21:11:05
 Form drop 邀请 2 / 64 22-05-2014 15:52:56
 2nd team « 1... 2 » 邀请 17 / 218 07-04-2013 17:08:42
 Merchandise 邀请 3 / 63 13-02-2013 10:58:20
 Not able to submit player to natioanl team 邀请 4 / 55 05-01-2013 12:54:45
 Physique « 1... 3 » 邀请 41 / 427 15-12-2012 08:41:32
 Att pedro 邀请 1 / 97 17-09-2012 23:33:00
 Players salary schedule 邀请 7 / 143 11-06-2012 18:49:02
 Latvia u18 « 1... 2 » 邀请 19 / 264 02-06-2012 02:19:51
 How to get 7 players on your youth team? 邀请 3 / 75 19-02-2012 16:11:30
 Training two days a week « 1... 2 » 邀请 24 / 340 25-01-2012 13:03:51
 Refusing to train « 1... 2 » 邀请 17 / 253 18-01-2012 17:31:50
1 2 3 4 »
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