5.00.-号码: 每只球队有25个球员注册名额,即只有25名球员能分配号码,没有号码的球员不能进行训练及比赛。
5.01.-自由球员: 自由球员是被解聘不属于任何球队的球员。一名球员成为自由球员有2种可能,一是他被认为是没有能力且被认为没人愿买,二是球队急于降低开支以避免破产而被解雇。(连续8周不活跃或者连续8周负债超过100.000€的球队都会被ProFurgol银行接管。所有的球员都会被挂牌10天。如果没人出价这名球员就会停止踢球从事其它行业。他的母队将不会得到补偿。 一旦俱乐部购进一名自由球员,这家俱乐部就会成为他新的母队,且在56日之内不能再次出售他。
5.02.-ID: 它是名球员的数字标识。
5.03.-国籍: 是指球员的所出生的国家.让球员改变国籍也是有可能的,就是让他在您的俱乐部里呆480天,并且期间不能为其本国国家队效力, 再且您要多付他一个赛季的工资。
5.04.-拥有者: 拥有球员相关权利的俱乐部。
5.05.-价值: 我们会用一个在1至1000之间的数值来评价一个球员的综合价值。评估值只是一个对球员的评估数值,并不影响该球员的售价。评估值会在每次训练后更新,但并非所有球员评估值的变化都一样,评估值的变化受到年龄、技能、身体状态等许多因素的影响。当球队刚被分配或者青年球员刚被提拔时,球员的工资和评估值可能都是0,几天之内更新后就会正常显示。球员有可能在训练后评估值不升反降,这是因为其它方面的负面影响(年龄、状态等)要大于训练带来的正面影响而并非是训练系统出了问题。
5.06.-工资: The money received by each player weekly according to their qualities, is updated every 112 days (a full season), the tab for each player can check when the update. The salary will be determined primarily by the quality of primary and higher level adjusted according to the level of the other qualities. A certain level of salary will be exponential leaps player, spikes being increases in levels 7 (low good), 13 (low expert), 19 (low glorious), 25 (supernatural low) so it becomes important to control the training our players to not be surprised by the increase in wage tab.
Have a player for example in excellent high in its primary main with several coaches (level 12.6 f.e.) will have a salary similar to a player who hit jackpot to high excellent, but at the moment in which the first player pass to low glorious, in their next wage rise (on the tab of each player can check when it will this update)his salary to the main level will be re-designed and you can possibly make his salary by 40% more than what was paid.
Secondary qualities will be taken more into account.These more expensive less wages, secondary quality training from now is more profitable.In addition, strong and exponential increases in wages will be every 6 levels.From level 6 to 7 will undergo a significant increase in salary rise and likewise the level 12 to 13, 18 to 19 and from 24 to 25. The increase between these bands (1-6, 7-12 ...) is less radical.
Wages will not rise all at once and one day as usual. Each player's salary will rise a certain day, and will update the following season, after exactly 112 days. The date of the first pay raise will be random and the date of the next increase will be available on the Player tab, season by season player X will always update his salary X week and day and, without affecting their nationality or a possible transfer.
Players over 30 qualities and therefore lose their wages go down about their qualities.
Foreign players have an extra 10% on their basic salary.
5.07.-状态: 状态会在每周四训练后更新。状态会受到比赛、受伤、强壮程度、年龄、训练的影响。球员的状态都会向中间值发展。当球员的状态从优秀开始下降时不要认为是不利的,这只是状态在漫长赛季中的一个变化过程。每一因素都有可能对球员状态产生有利或不利的影响。关于球员状态的更多内容可参见 训练 章节。
5.08.-体质: 体质是指每个球员的身体强壮程度。此项指标可用训练来提高,但也依赖于球员的先天条件,通过训练最多能提升两级,但先天不足的球员可能通过训练也得不到提高。体质共有五个级别,具体如下:
5.08.1-玻璃型: 对防守型球员造成负面的影响,对进攻型球员造成正面的影响。
5.08.2-瘦弱型: 对防守型球员造成轻微的负面影响,对进攻型球员带来轻微的正面影响。
5.08.3-运动型: 对球员没有影响。
5.08.4-坚韧型: 对防守型球员造成轻微的正面影响,对进攻型球员带来轻微的负面影响。
5.08.5-强壮型: 对球员造成正面的影响。
5.09.-惯用脚: 有左脚、右脚、左右脚三种。当球员在在与惯用脚不一致的边路比赛时会有负面影响。
5.10.-年龄: 加入青年队的球员最小为15岁;球员的技能会在30岁后急剧下降;所有球员会在赛季末时增长一岁。
5.11.-性格: 球员针对自身所处的环境而显现出来的特殊作风。性格能影响球员通过训练提升技能的所需时间。
5.11.1-不可靠的: 他的性格会给训练带来消极的影响。
5.11.2-冷漠的: 他的性格会给训练带来轻微消极的影响。
5.11.3-负责的: 他的性格不会影响他的训练。
5.11.4-积极的: 他的性格会给他的训练带来轻微积极的影响。
5.11.5-永不言败的: 他的性格会给他的训练带来积极的影响。
5.12.-举止: 这是在比赛中影响对手和裁判的因素。
5.12.1-暴力的: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.
5.12.2-侵犯性的: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
5.12.3-公平竞争: His attitude on the field will be quiet and peace on all controversial plays. It will behave as proud and selfish is injured and only be 'touched' and always ask to change and help your computer without thinking about their individual interest.
5.12.4-流氓的: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
5.12.5-假摔专家: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.
5.13.-特长: 球员拥有某种特殊才能而影响他们在场上的表现。并非所有球员都有特长。目前有5种特长,在以后我们可能还会加入新的球员特长。
5.12.1-头球: 在定位球中非常重要。对所有位置都有利。
5.12.2-速度: 此特长对边锋、边后卫、后卫、前锋有利。
5.12.3-视野: 此特长对中场和后卫有利。
5.12.4-盘带: 此特长对前锋和中场有利,对后卫和守门员不利。
5.12.5-拦截: 此特长对防守型中场和后卫有利,对前锋不利。
5.14.-经验: 通过参加比赛获得。比赛越重要,获得的经验就越多。经验会对球员射门、助攻、避免得牌等方面有帮助。
5.15.-守门: 守门员需要的主要技能。
5.16.-后卫: 后卫需要的主要技能。
5.17.-位置: 后卫和防守型中场需要的辅助技能。
5.18.-边路: 边锋和边后卫需要的主要技能。
5.19.-传球: 进攻型中场需要的辅助技能。
5.20.-组织: 中场需要的主要技能。
5.21.-定位球: 主罚任意球.点球和角球时球员需要的主要技能。
5.22.-进攻: 前锋需要的主要技能。
5.23.-突破: 前锋和进攻型中场需要的辅助技能。